Writing powerful units for gifted and advanced students is my passion! Each unit I develop is created using VanTassel-Baska's Integrated Curriculum Model (the most well-researched curriculum model in all of gifted education) AND Shelagh Gallagher's Problem-based Learning methodology. Using this approach, I have been fortunate enough to win the National Association for Gifted Children's curriculum award nine years in a row. I have great gratitude to both VanTassel-Baska and Gallagher for sharing their wisdom with the world and to NAGC for developing such an amazing curriculum rubric. You can read about my units by clicking these links or viewing the table below.
Routledge Press Routledge Press To purchase one of my eight units published by Routledge / Prufrock Press
T. P. T.T. P. T. To order a unit self-published through me
Jason S. McIntosh, Ph.D.
Click on Each Tab Below
Recipient of the 2016 NAGC Curriculum Award!
Recipient of the 2017 NAGC Curriculum Award!
The Feats and Flops unit includes nine weeks of lesson plans designed to meet the needs of gifted students in grades 4-8. The overarching goals of the unit are to enable students to (a) solve real world problems and (b) gain the needed dispositions in order to transform into innovators, makers, and producers. Students will use the engineering design process, SCAMPER, and a new tool called “My Maker’s Map” to innovate solutions to both hypothetical and personal situations in their own lives. By the conclusion of the unit students will have created a prototype for an invention of their own, participated in a simulated “Shark Tank Junior Edition” television show, completed a patent application for their idea, and planned a Maker’s Faire for their school. Available through Routledge Press NOW!
Recipient of the 2018 NAGC Curriculum Award!
Dinosaurs to Drones consists of thirty individual lesson plans designed to meet the needs of gifted students in 4th-6th grade. A twenty-six chapter novel entitled Dinosaurs, Diggers, and Thieves serves as the backbone to the unit. On a daily basis, students (a) learn how to think like a paleontologist, (b) investigate the physics of drone flight, and (c) explore the connections between change over time and grit. A variety of learning experiences makes this possible (e.g. daily choice menus, problem-based learning activities, Socratic seminars, a breaker space, etc.). The unit is interdisciplinary and covers aspects of all major subject areas. Social-emotional topics such as the roots of prejudice, the concept of flow, how to deal with loss, and the characteristics of giftedness are also addressed. Available through Routledge Press NOW!
Microscopic Monsters and the Scientists Who Slay Them Unit - SEE BELOW
Recipient of the 2019 NAGC Curriculum Award!
It is a germy world out there and students are naturally curious about the hidden universe of microbes. Microscopic Monsters and the Scientists Who Slay Them is a 30 lesson interdisciplinary unit designed to teach high-ability fourth and fifth graders how to think like an epidemiologist. This NAGC award-winning unit takes students on a journey as they apply principles of epidemiology and microbiology to challenging problem-based learning tasks modeled around a fictional epidemic and town they themselves create. In each lesson, the role of perseverance in detecting, tracking, and stopping epidemics is reinforced and developed. Real life epidemiologists, both historic and contemporary, are used to model the skill and endurance needed to fight the long game against infectious diseases while students simultaneously spend time exploring the many career paths available to them in the diverse fields of medicine and microbiology. Available through Routledge Press Now!

Recipient of the 2020 NAGC Curriculum Award!
The word ‘astronaut’ comes from the Greek words meaning ‘star sailor’, and that is exactly what students will do in The Astronaut Academy. This 30 lesson interdisciplinary unit was designed to teach high-ability second and third graders how to think like an astronaut and explore the far regions of our solar system. A variety of highly-engaging resources, learning activities, and problem-based learning tasks take students on a journey to visit each planet and create their own space station. The over-arching concept of exploration is developed as students acquire scientific knowledge and habits, such as how to follow the scientific method and conduct research. Suggestions and guidance are included on how teachers can adjust the rigor up or down based on students’ interests and needs. Available through Routledge Press Now!
Erase the Waste and Turn Trash Into Cash - SEE BELOW
Recipient of the 2021 NAGC Curriculum Award!
Americans throw away 254 million tons of trash every year. Have you ever wondered where it goes? Erase the Waste and Turn Trash into Cash is a 30 lesson interdisciplinary unit designed to teach high-ability third and fourth graders how to think like environmental engineers as they encounter tasks that require them to reduce, reuse, recycle, and reimagine trash in new and innovative ways. The concept of change over time is developed and reinforced in every lesson as students participate in a fictitious reality show called Waste Warriors. Activities like ‘Differentiate the Detritus’ guide students through the process of sorting and classifying waste into categories, while others such as ‘Recycle Fest’ and ‘The Greenness Gauge’ empower students to use their creativity and embrace the green economy. As the old saying goes, “Give a Hoot! Don’t Pollute!” But, do not forget! You could also make some LOOT along the way! Available through Routledge Press Now!
Invaluable Invertebrates and Species With Spines - SEE BELOW
Recipient of the 2022 NAGC Curriculum Award!
Inspire the next generation of zoologists with this 30-lesson interdisciplinary science unit geared toward second and third grade high-ability students. Using problem-based learning scenarios, this book helps students develop the vocabulary, skills, and practices of zoologists as they conduct research and solve real world problems. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of how the animal kingdom is structured, create an innovative zoo exhibit containing an entire ecosystem for a vertebrate animal of their choosing, design invertebrate animal trading cards, and much, much more. Featuring detailed teacher instructions and reproducible handouts, this unit makes it easy for teachers to adjust the rigor of learning tasks based on students’ interests and needs. Aligned with Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics plus the Next Generation Science Standards, gifted and non-gifted teachers alike will find this expedition into the animal kingdom engaging, effective, and highly adaptable. Available through Routledge Press Now!
The SENSEational Science Behind How We Discover the World Around Us- SEE BELOW
Recipient of the 2023 NAGC Curriculum Award!
Embark on a journey of discovery by connecting with the five senses in this 30-lesson interdisciplinary science unit geared toward the fourth and fifth grade. Students will use their senses as a springboard to explore advanced concepts such as the science behind cooking, optical illusions, musical instruments, and more. They will learn to distinguish between physical and chemical changes, describe the movement of sound waves, classify optical illusions, and evaluate the validity of their discoveries through unique problem-based learning tasks. Featuring detailed teacher instructions, daily reflection activities, and reproducible handouts, this unit makes it easy for teachers to adjust the rigor of learning tasks based on students’ interests and needs. Aligned with Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics and Next Generation Science Standards, both gifted and non-gifted teachers alike will find this unit engaging, effective, and highly adaptable. Available through Routledge Press Now!
The Mystery of Mulligan Manor: A Course in Rationality for Middle School Students- SEE BELOW
Recipient of the 2024 NAGC Curriculum Award!