Please enjoy a selection of the FREE RESOURCES and CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS I have created to assist educators on their journey to differentiate for gifted students BELOW!

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1.) The General Pre-Assessment of Students (GPS) :  

Description: No need to create a new pre-assessment for every unit! You can use this tool all year long regardless of the topic or domain. The GPS works best with 3rd-12th grade students.

    External link opens in new tab or windowClick Here - GPSClick Here - GPS

2.) Depth and Complexity Model Icons Video:

Description: Sandra Kaplan's Depth and Complexity Model uses eleven icons to help students think like an expert in a given field of study. I have created a YouTube video for students, which explains each icon and how to use them to think more deeply.


3.) Depth and Complexity Mobile App:


Description: Click the link below to go to an application I created to help students and teachers better understand the Depth and Complexity Model icons and always have them readily available to refer to.  

       External link opens in new tab or windowClick Here - Depth/Complexity AppClick Here - Depth/Complexity App

4.) SCAMPER Mobile App:

Description: Click the link below to go to an application I created to help students and teachers learn the elements of SCAMPER in order to encourage creative thinking. SCAMPER stands for substitute, combine, adapt, modify/magnify/minify, put to other uses, eliminate, rearrange.

       External link opens in new tab or windowClick Here - SCAMPER AppClick Here - SCAMPER App 

5.) Habits of a Scholar Video Introduction for Kids

Description: Sandra Kaplan outlined the 12 habits scholars adopt in order to become an expert learner. This video introduces the Habits of a Scholar to students.


6.) Fat Dogs and Coughing Horses Curriculum Unit for 9th grade:

Ruhl, J., Veatch, J., & McIntosh, J. (2013). Animal contributions to human health: Fat dogs and coughing horses high school curriculum, grade 9. Purdue University and National Institutes of Health.

      External link opens in new tab or windowClick Here - Free CurriculumClick Here - Free Curriculum

7.) Fat Dogs and Coughing Horses Curriculum Unit for Grades 1-3:

Menonno, A., Wackerly, A., & McIntosh, J. (2013). Vets, pets, and me! Fat dogs and coughing horses elementary curriculum grades 1-3. Purdue University and National Institutes of Health.

      External link opens in new tab or windowClick Here - Free CurriculumClick Here - Free Curriculum

8.) Individual Excellence Goals Form:

Description: Classroom teachers can use this form to help students identify an area of interest, develop an independent study plan, and create a year long goal. Students work on their projects when they "buy back" some of their time if they compact out of a subject or finish early.

 9.) Why Differentiation for Students is Important Video:

Description: Differentiation for students in today's classrooms is critical. Watch the video below to find out why!